Hi, my 4-5 followers :D
I know is not alot now but i have hopes that some day i will have more followers ;)
Anyways; Coco and us are busy as always,
Coco is walk! :o i know! she walks holding daddy's hand, and stands by her self, we think she'll be walking pretty soon, she started eating real food (like what i cook) like 2 moths ago now, she likes to eat by her self she doesn't like it when i feed her, she gets upset and doesn't want to eat at all, she learn to clap like a month ago, and she learn that if she screams "dada" daddy will run to her, as well she learn that if she makes mommy mad she will get a time out, so she trys not to but sometimes when daddy is home she trys to act up since daddy will protected her from mommy monster lol i think thats how she sees me lol :s at the same time i know she can feel how crazy in love mommy is with her.
Daddy is busy working as always, im busy getting everything done for the birthdays and wedding party, but we are so busy making this place our home, we were planning on moving to Mississauga, ON. but God knows whats best for us, my husband got transferred to an other store, that allows him to have more freedom, and thats what we wanted, so we are staying here for now, so we are fixing some stuffs, we will finally be getting our floors done by December, we are making this place child proof, getting new furniture, so slowly we are going to make this place home. hopefully we are done by January, 2013. But right now we are getting ready for Christmas, we are having our family dinner at our place so we are planning the menu, we are going to set the tree up soon, buying the gifts oh! so many things more. This years has been a very busy year for us, we've barely had time to spend it with family or friends, but is for the best of our beautiful baby girl. next year if God allows us to be alive we will have all the time of the world to sped it with them.
So this is pretty much whats going on with Coco and us, hope is not so boring :)