Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Whats going on with Coco & Us?

Hi, my 4-5 followers :D 
I know is not alot now but i have hopes that some day i will have more followers ;) 

Anyways; Coco and us are busy as always, 
Coco is walk! :o i know! she walks holding daddy's hand, and stands by her self, we think she'll be walking pretty soon, she started eating real food (like what i cook) like 2 moths ago now, she likes to eat by her self she doesn't like it when i feed her, she gets upset and doesn't want to eat at all, she learn to clap like a month ago, and she learn that if she screams "dada" daddy will run to her, as well she learn that if she makes mommy mad she will get a time out, so she trys not to but sometimes when daddy is home she trys to act up since daddy will protected her from mommy monster lol i think thats how she sees me lol :s at the same time i know she can feel how crazy in love mommy is with her.
 Daddy is busy working as always, im busy getting everything done for the birthdays and wedding party, but we are so busy making this place our home, we were planning on moving to Mississauga, ON. but God knows whats best for us, my husband got transferred to an other store, that allows him to have more freedom, and thats what we wanted, so we are staying here for now, so we are fixing some stuffs, we will finally be getting our floors done by December, we are making this place child proof, getting new furniture, so slowly we are going to make this place home. hopefully we are done by January, 2013. But right now we are getting ready for Christmas, we are having our family dinner at our place so we are planning the menu, we are going to set the tree up soon, buying the gifts oh! so many things more. This years has been a very busy year for us, we've barely had time to spend it with family or friends, but is for the best of our beautiful baby girl. next year if God allows us to be alive we will have all the time of the world to sped it with them. 
So this is pretty much whats going on with Coco and us, hope is not so boring :)    


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Very tire :(

I been planning two birthday parties, my wedding party, and helping a friend  with some ideas for her wedding as well,
So as you can see im very busy to post something, but i took some time to write a bit of how im feeling with all this planning. 
So here it is; Right now i feel like i wanna quite all this preparations, planning DIY's. Im tire, i have a soon to be 9 month old baby girl that for some reason woke up one morning and decided she was going to be a hyper baby, so i have to give her all of my attention because she is my everything, then when i have a  few free seconds i take advantage to do a bit of cleaning, and when she naps i do what i need to for the parties and research.
I still have lots of shopping to do and lots of DIY's, i look around and all i see is a messy home right now, my monkey just fell sleep, and i am super tire, i just want to lay down anywhere, i really dont care just lay down and never get up lol! now can you see why i feel like quitting everything at this moment? :(
Here ill leave some ideas on how to match some clothes enjoy!!! 


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Planning!!! Busy!!! Busy!!! Busy!!!

Im so excited, and as busy as i can be. So my husband and i never had a wedding party, like with a white dress in a church, a reception etc. We eloped, now we are finally going to have our wedding party, after years of waiting for a traditional wedding party we are finally going to have one, so a couple of my friends and i are planing all the details, invitations etc. Plus my baby's 1st Birthday is coming up soon so there is more planning there, and of course her 1st Birthday has to be BIG!!! and perfect, so that means making most of the decoration my self, because if you want something perfect make it your self and you'll be happy with it. So whats the theme of her 1st Birthday you ask? well is and old time kids favorite bear!!
Nope! is not that one, no not that one ether, hmmm ur close!
Yes!! you got it is WINNIE THE POOH!!!!!
I just love him and i really think is the perfect theme for her 1st Birthday party. so excited i cant wait to start decorating the space in which we are having her party. But at the same time i don't want time to go by so fast i feel like i barley had time to enjoyed my monkey, she is just growing like there is no tomorrow (;_;) 
i shall wait patiently!! :s 

 Our very first date :D


 Us 3

 January 22, 2012. The day our world change for good :D

 7 months after :o tooooo toooo fast! :(

 Able to sit b her self already :o loveeeee her!

Able to stand in her crib by her self, everything is happening so fast.
only 4 more months for her 1st birthday :(

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Yenni's Crafts!!!

So i started making crafty things by the age of 9 years old till this day thats what i do for a living. even though i went to school for Aesthetician, i do that as a side job, crafting is what i love to do more. 

 Here is some stuff i made. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

God and me!

I been a christian Pentecostal since the day i was born, i started developing my faith on God from a very young age, i am i living testimony. I've been witnessing his miracles since i was a kid. I owe him my life and everything i am, if it wouldn't have been for Him i wouldn't be here writing this, i was supposed to died 20 something years ago. I got very sick, my mom took me to the Dr. and the Dr. told her is my liver is giving up on me and is pretty much done, but they could prescribe me something that could help! but the prescription was way to expensive, so there was nothing else my parents could do to help me, until i told my mom i had a better Dr. that could cure me for sure with no needles, no medicine, no nothing, just by my faith. (til the date is very hard to believe i told my mom this i wasn't even 2 i think) so i told my mom i wanted to go to church and ask the members to help me pray for me, so i can be cured. They did so, and my mom gave me some herbs and kept praying, 3 weeks after i was way better a few months after i was like i never had that problem at all. A few years after this for some reason my mom and i got sick, we couldn't eat, we had a fever, we couldn't get up from our bed, but than again we knew the only one that can help us is God, He is the only one that has help us that day and every single time we need His help His always there helping us.
Now I look at my husband, my baby girl and see how bless i been and still are, not only he saved me from death he has blessed me with life and has giving life through me, now that little life is my everything. I will never be able to thank Him for everything He has done for me.

 (My handsome husband)
 (Bless me with a girl please)
 (Ask and I shall give)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Coco is 6 Months Old!

I can not believe is been 6 months already, it feels like it was this morning that i gave birth to her. Every time i look at her and i see how much she has grown i do not believe my eyes, i don't think i could ever see her as a big baby/kid/teenager/young lady/grown women.

Every time I look/will look at her, it will be like the very first time i saw her i will always see that tiny little angel send from God to make my life so much happier just by looking at her.
I can not explain how much love she brought upon my heart since the very first day i found out she was inside of me. I think is a feeling that only a real mom can understand what i mean.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Whats for lunch?

I been soooo lazy today, 
i didnt feel like cooking since is just my monkey and me, 
i didnt need to worry on what to cook today.
So what did we had for lunch today?
I had a nice cold root-bear and crackers,
Coco had some yummy mushed green peas and 6oz of milk :O 

 After a good lunch, a nice nap wont hurt :D

Coco advertising

So after 3months of trying to get a blog i finally manage to, i feel soooo dumb (;_;)

Anywho!  This is my very first time blogging, not sure what to do :s 

But lets start with a picture of my monkey advertising 
for the youth of London Church