Thursday, July 26, 2012

Coco is 6 Months Old!

I can not believe is been 6 months already, it feels like it was this morning that i gave birth to her. Every time i look at her and i see how much she has grown i do not believe my eyes, i don't think i could ever see her as a big baby/kid/teenager/young lady/grown women.

Every time I look/will look at her, it will be like the very first time i saw her i will always see that tiny little angel send from God to make my life so much happier just by looking at her.
I can not explain how much love she brought upon my heart since the very first day i found out she was inside of me. I think is a feeling that only a real mom can understand what i mean.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Whats for lunch?

I been soooo lazy today, 
i didnt feel like cooking since is just my monkey and me, 
i didnt need to worry on what to cook today.
So what did we had for lunch today?
I had a nice cold root-bear and crackers,
Coco had some yummy mushed green peas and 6oz of milk :O 

 After a good lunch, a nice nap wont hurt :D

Coco advertising

So after 3months of trying to get a blog i finally manage to, i feel soooo dumb (;_;)

Anywho!  This is my very first time blogging, not sure what to do :s 

But lets start with a picture of my monkey advertising 
for the youth of London Church